About —

Practitioner Profile


Dr Melanie Longano  
B.App.Sc(Comp.Med); M.Osteo

Director and Principal Osteopath

Melanie graduated from RMIT University with a Bachelor of Applied Science (Complementary Medicine) and a Masters degree in Osteopathy with Distinction in 2011. Since completing her tertiary education, Melanie has continued her studies undertaking a variety of courses including dry needling, tendon injury rehabilitation and paediatrics.

Being an active individual for most of her life, Melanie had an interest in manual therapy from an early age. After completing her work experience with an osteopath in her teens, her passion for osteopathy began and has continued. Melanie applies a holistic approach to treatment that not only focuses on the site of pain but also ensures the entire body is functioning optimally to provide the best opportunity for healing. She also appreciates everyone’s individuality and tailors her treatments to each individual’s specific needs. Melanie has a keen interest in rehabilitation and self management strategies and expresses the importance of everyone being active in their own care to achieve the best results.

Melanie has a keen interest in rehabilitation and self management strategies and expresses the importance of everyone being active in their own care to achieve the best results.

Not only has Melanie been working in private practice since 2012, she also has extensive experience working as a corporate osteopath. During this time, she has been assessing and treating office workers and as a result has developed her knowledge of postural strains as well as ergonomically induced pain patterns frequently observed in this setting.

Since 2014, Melanie has also been employed in a teaching role as a Clinical Supervisor at the RMIT Health Sciences Clinic, actively involved in the education of osteopathic students in their final 2 years of training.

Melanie is excited to be part of the team at Northern Allied Health where patient care is the priority. Please feel free to contact Melanie to discuss how osteopathy can help you and your family.

Melanie is a member of Osteopathy Australia.

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